Tom 2 monografii [1/4] (po plsku)
(bilingual: in English For English version click on this flag and Polish Dla polskiej wersji kliknij na ta flage)
14 sierpnia 2005

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Volume 2 of [1/4]

Volume 3 of [1/4]

Volume 4 of [1/4]

Volume 5 of [1/4]

Volume 6 of [1/4]

Oscillatory Chamber




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Tom 2 z [1/4]

Tom 3 z [1/4]

Tom 4 z [1/4]

Tom 5 z [1/4]

Tom 6 z [1/4]

Komora oscylacyjna




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Text and all the illustrations for Volume 6 entitled "Totalizm" from the monograph [1/4] by Dr Jan Pajak, "Advanced Magnetic Devices" (4th edition, 2005, ISBN 0-9583727-5-6), available in English and Polish

       (i) In order to download to your computer the volume listed below, or to see/download any illustration, just click on an underlined item description provided on the list below!
       (ii) Some free servers may generate an illogical (alien) error during your attempts to download a copy of [1/4] to your computer. This (alien) error seems to be embedded into the server's software, or/and permissions, and for myself (i.e. just an ordinary user of such a free server) this error turns to be impossible to rectify. Therefore, if by any chance it appears again when you try to download this volume of monograph [1/4], then you need to undertake various measures to go around this irritating error. The first thing you can do is to try to download the same copy but in a different format (e.g. in PDF instead of ZIP from DOC or from WP5) - in case the error is caused by changes in permissions imposed by the server on types of files. If this does not help, then try to download the same copy from a different server, choosing for this downloading any other server listed in "Menu 2" of this web site.
       If by any chance you actually encounter this strange (alien) error, please notice how extraordinary and how contradictive to logic it is. For example, it may claim untruly, that the required volume is to be imported from another web site. Messages that this error produces usually run against logic and principles of good programming. For example copies of [1/4] and all diagrams which go with them, are always made available on the same server on which this web page was installed. Furthermore, at the time of installation the downloading from this web page was tested by me and it worked.
       (iii) Further instructions are listed at the end of this web page.

Part A: Text of the English language version of volume 6 from monograph [1/4]. Available in the ZIP format, compressed from the WORD.DOC for WINDOWS XP:
Notice that a copy of this volume in ZIP compressed format is offered on practically every server (as opposite to a copy of this volume in the PDF format - which is available only on some servers with slightly larger memory).
Volume 6 of [1/4e]: ZIP from WORD XP.
Volume 6 of monograph [1/4] describes the philosophy of "totalizm". Chapter JA explains how to apply totalizm in our everyday life. It is a newer and updated version of chapter A from monograph [8e].

Part B: Text of the English language version of volume 6 from monograph [1/4]. Available in the PDF format:
Notice that a copy of this volume in PDF format is offered only on some servers which give a sufficient memory allocation. (Thus it may not be available on this particular server, although this server still will have copies of this volume available in other formats.)
Volume 6 of [1/4e]: PDF.

Part C: Text of the English language version of volume 6 from monograph [1/4]. Available in the ZIP format, compressed from the Word Perfect 5.1:
Notice that a copy of this volume in WP5.1 format is offered only on some servers which give a sufficient memory allocation. (Thus it may not be available on this particular server, although this server still will have copies of this volume available in other formats.)
Volume 6 of [1/4e]: ZIP from Word Perfect 5.1.

Part D: Text of the Polish language version of volume 6 from monograph [1/4p], in ZIP format compressed from the WORD for Windows XP format:
Those readers who known the Polish language, or just wish to learn Polish, probably would be pleased to learn that there is a WORD edition of the Polish version of complete monograph [1/4p] (available as *.zip files). But note that it uses Polish characters which are not available in every edition of the WORD word-processor. These Polish characters are provided mainly in WORD XP that works under WINDOWS XP, or higher. However, some older versions of WORD still may display Polish letters, so it is worth to try them. Here is the text of volume 6 in ZIP format (from WORD XP):
Volume 6 of [1/4p]: ZIP from WORD XP.
Zauważ że tom 6 monografii [1/4], opisuje filozofię nazywaną "Totalizm". Rozdział JA wyjaśnia jak stosować totalizm w naszym życiu codziennym.

Part E: Text of the Polish language version of volume 6 from monograph [1/4]. Available in the PDF format:
Notice that a copy of this volume in PDF format is offered only on some servers which give a sufficient memory allocation. (Thus it may not be available on this particular server, although this server still will have copies of this volume available in other formats.)
Volume 6 of [1/4p]: PDF.

Part F: Text of the Polish language version of volume 6 from monograph [1/4p], after the compression to a (*.zip) file from the source format of Word Perfect version 5.1:
The same monograph [1/4] is also available in the format of "Word Perfect" word-processor (release 5.1 or higher) which provides very good quality of Polish characters. (Note that text and illustrations in the Word Perfect version of monograph [1/4] are exactly the same as text and illustrations in the WORD version - both versions are simply machine translations of each other.) Here is this volume in both forms (compressed - ZIP, and uncompressed - WP5):
Volume 6 of [1/4p]: ZIP from Word Perfect 5.1

Part G: Illustrations used in volume 6 of monograph [1/4] (i.e. for English and Polish), in formats GIF or JPG:

Rys. JA1 w [1/4p] [1/4] - Rysunek JA1.
Pokazuje on: Logo totalizmu. Zauważ że jego cechą jest, iż działa ono jak talizman szczęścia, czyli przynosi szczęście tym którzy je noszą.
(Opublikowany: [1/4] - JA1(Polish), [1/3] - I, [8] - H1(Polish) )

Fig. JA1 in [1/4e] [1/4e] - Figure JA1.
It illustrates: The logo of totalizm.
(Published: [1/4] - JA1(English), [8] - H1(English) )

Part H: Instructions:
(1) To download the volume, just click on the underlined name of this volume, and then save this publication in your own computer.
(2) After you finish visiting illustrations click Back on the top-left of the screen in order to return to this Web page.
(3) Because of the strict limit imposed by this server on sizes of uploaded files, the WORD (*.doc) version and the Word Perfect (*.wp5) version of each volume needed to be offered only as ZIP files. (Notice though, that NOT every server allows to store ZIP type of files. Thus on some servers these ZIPPED files are NOT going to be downloadable.)
(4) Note that in spite of the size restrictions, still some files are quite large. Thus when lines are busy it may take several minutes to download them.
(5) In order to unzip back into the WORD (or Word Perfect) format all files that are compressed into the *.ZIP form, you need to go through a standard unzipping routine. In case you are not familiar with it, I repeat this routine for WINDOWS 2000. (a) You start from downloading a given *zip file to your computer by clicking onto it in this Web page. Then (b) you need to open the program named WINDOWS EXPLORER that your probably have in your computer (click: START/PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/WINDOWS EXPLORER), find with this program your *.zip file, and then right click on this *.zip file with your mouse, so that the Menu of unzipping commands unfolds. Then (c) you need to choose and left click with your mouse at any of the EXTRACT commands, e.g. the EXTRACT TO command. Then (d) You need to refresh your WINDOW EXPLORER, e.g. by temporary shifting it into other directory and then returning back, so that the file that you just unzipped become seen by it. Finally (e) you need to shift inside of the directory which bears the name of the unzipped file, and then inside of this directly double click on the unzipped *.doc file in order to see the content of this file in WORD. Note that there also various other unzipping programs, apart MS ZIP (from the WINDOWS EXPLORER), e.g. the program named POWER ARCHIVER which you can download from the, or the program named EnZip, which can be downloaded free of charge from the web site For these other programs just follow their own routines of unzipping.

Część #H: Copyrights © 2005 by Dr Jan Pająk:

       Copyrights © 2005 by Dr Jan Pająk. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Autor niniejszej strony, tj. dr inż. Jan Pająk, zastrzega sobie wszelkie prawa do stron internetowych, ilustracji, oraz monografii które on autoryzuje, a także zastrzega sobie własność intelektualną idei jego autorstwa które w nich zostały zaprezentowane.
Ostatnia aktualizacja tej strony: 14 sierpnia 2005 roku